April 21: Where Discipleship meets Mental Health and Social Isolation

Event date & times
Ward Memorial Baptist Church
465 Kamloops St
Vancouver, BC

This event has already ended.

What does Jesus’ command to “go and make disciples” look like in a world where social isolation and mental health issues hurt the lives of people around us every day?

This workshop aims to de-stigmatize social isolation and mental illness while asking, what does the gospel have to offer those of us who have been marginalized, and how does it challenge us all to combat the process of stigma as we work towards a society shaped by God's justice? Sanctuary Mental Health and Mission Central (Missions Fest Vancouver) are hosting an event where all these questions will be explored, personal stories will be shared, and participants will be challenged to think deeply about how they want to reach out to increase connection in their communities.

Will Kozushko will be sharing his own lived experience. He is a graphic designer, musician, hockey player, father to a busy and wonderful 6-year-old, and depression-awareness advocate.

Kate Dewhurst, is Sanctuary's Services Coordinator. She is married to Nate and has worked as a teacher, pastor and writer. She finds the common thread of community development woven through the many roles she has filled and is inspired by the ways church communities can become even more loving places of belonging and hope.

Dr. Claudia Rossetto is passionate about de-stigmatizing the realities of social isolation and raising awareness on how to resist its lethal forces. Through her personal experience, research, and 13+ years of work at Missions Fest she has faced the challenges and joys of championing social integration. Claudia is a wife to Mark and mom to one-year old Isabella.

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