Orientation and Networking time for Church Representatives

Event date & times
Missions Fest
7200 Cariboo Road
Burnaby, BC

This event has already ended.

Missions Fest Vancouver started as a movement to celebrate and inspire all people to participate in mission. Partner churches need to have two representatives whose roles are essential to bring each church’s voice to the greater community. Then together, as The Church in Metro Vancouver and the Fraser Valley, we share missional wisdom and imagination for the sake of collaboratively advancing God’s kingdom in our cities.

You will have a chance to learn: 1) some peer wisdom on holding the vision of mission in your church, 2) what are the benefits of being a Partnering Church and your role, 3) news about how God is moving in the bigger picture in our city and the 2019 conference.

Sat. September 22nd
10:00 AM -11:30 AM

7200 Cariboo Rd. Burnaby BC

Light refreshments and snacks will be provided.

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