Into the Neighbourhood

Event dates & times
Southside Community Church
12642 100th Avenue
Surrey, BC

This event has already ended.


The Missional Movement begins with who God is. It helps us to discern what God is up to in context, and then encourages us to receive the invitation of Christ to follow Him into His work in the world. Over the last number of years, many have come to see the Missional Movement as a call of Christ to become neighbours, and to join Him at work in neighbourhoods across the country. What is needed is intentionality to disciple people into learning to practice hospitality in their neighbourhoods and then to remind us that we, the Church, are sent to be a Faithful Presence in the world, bearing witness to Christ in everything we do.

Forge Canada presents Into the Neighbourhood. This 2-day event hopes to equip people with an imagination to become neighbours, and to challenge churches to look at how we measure what it means to be faithful. This event is for individuals, and even more so for churches who have understood the importance of bearing witness to God through community.

Journey with us as we engage in an interactive discussion led by Karen Wilk, Preston Pouteaux, and David Fitch that challenges us to use our imagination in re-envisioning what it looks like to be present in our neighbourhoods today.

Fri. October 26; 1:30–9:30 PM

  • Fri. October 26; 1:30—9:30 PM
  • Sat. October 27; 9 AM—4 PM

Refreshments and snacks will provided throughout the event. Friday dinner is on your own but is meant to be a shared meal with those you meet at the event at a restaurant in the neighbourhood. Saturday lunch will be catered.

More details:
Any questions please contact:

Location: Southside Community Church at 12642 100th Avenue, Surrey, BC.

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