Jesus at Work

Event date & times
Picnic Shelter at John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park
3300 Victoria Drive (@E 15 Ave.)
Vancouver, BC

This event has already ended.

We invite you to join us for a picnic at the park on August 18, 2019 from 5:30PM to 8PM at John Hendry (Trout Lake) Park. Hosted by Mission Central and SIM Monthly Missions Meeting.

This potluck picnic and networking event is a chance to meet others in your field of work who share your love for Jesus and your desire to live out your mission in the marketplace.

Background to “Jesus At Work: Marketplace and Mission”

SIM Monthly Missions Meeting is a small group of mission-minded people that meet regularly to learn and pray about missions. We are developing a young professionals networking event/potluck.

This event grew out of the following thoughts:

1. We are all called. We are all sent. There are no “unsent” disciples, therefore discipleship is not only for those in full time vocational ministry.

2. Whatever your hand finds to do, work at it with all your heart and do it all to the glory of God. God has gifted us with aptitudes and education and experience and we are meant to do everything as an act of worship and consecrated to God.

3. Many believers are not practicing sharing their faith in their workplaces because of fear or lack of know-how or even awareness that they don’t need permission to do so. They have a desire to share Jesus and express His love in their daily lives but feel alone and inadequate. Being able to share and discuss and find practical help would move them to deeper faith and greater action.

4. In the future, many countries will be closed to people working as vocational missionaries, but open to those who come as doctors, accountants, project managers. Equipping workers to live out their faith in their spheres of influence here will be a great help to them as they move to places in the world that are restricted access countries.

The target group for this event is young professionals working in various spheres such as medicine, education, business, technology, arts and culture, government, etc.

We would kick off the afternoon with an introduction to the concept of “Jesus At Work”, then split into groups by sphere of influence, have personal introductions and discuss questions.

Cost: $5 Donation for venue and drinks

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