
Event date & times
Glad Tidings
3456 Fraser St
Vancouver, BC

This event has already ended.

As part of the preparations for Missions Fest Vancouver in January 2020, a group of pastors have been meeting to intercede for God to move in our churches. The theme for the conference is Altar Vision, an examination of what it means to live the surrendered life.

While meeting together, this team felt like the place to start with a call to surrender was with themselves. As workers in Christian ministry it's easy to forget that Jesus has called us all to lay everything at his feet. Sometimes, even our ministries can become an idol.

On November 14th we've invited Darrell Johnson to lead a ministry time for us. We hope that this will be a time where burdens shift from your shoulders to Jesus. We pray for bonds to be broken, and a new passion to love and serve Jesus will be birthed in you, and in-turn in your congregations.

Cost: $10 per person

Meals: lunch included

9:00 amRegistration
9:30 amWorship Session with Darrell Johnson
12:00 pmLunch
1:30 pmInvitation to stay for discussion and prayer (optional)

A Note from Darrell Johnson

"A few months ago, John Hall contacted me and wanted to visit about 'a burden' that was weighing on his heart, a burden relative to the effectiveness of all the Christ honouring ministries in our cities. When we met, he summarized the burden in one word: 'consecration.' A word Christian leaders and servants used in by-gone eras, but one not heard that much in our time. John's burden was, and still is, that the effectiveness of one's ministry in the city is related to the degree, or quality, of one's 'consecration.'

Yes, ministry in the name of Jesus is ultimately Jesus' burden: He is The Great Minister, Missionary, Evangelist, Healer, Reconciler; the 'success' of His disciple's service rests on His shoulders. Blessed be His name!

Yet, He moves more powerfully, more redemptively, when those He calls to partner with Him are 'consecrated' to Him.

'Consecrated.' It means 'dedicated to.' It means 'surrender to.' It means 'owned by." It implies totally given over to Another for the Other's purposes and plans. It means 'I am Yours.'

As I have been praying about all this, a number of texts come to mind. Romans 12:1-2 - "Therefore, by the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies [i.e. whole selves] a living and holy sacrifice, well-pleasing to God, which is your spiritual service of worship. And do not be conformed to this world [or, to this age], but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and well-pleasing and perfect." Yes, Lord, please help it be so for me!

And, 2 Corinthians 7:1. After celebrating the fact that disciples of Jesus are the new Temple, in which the Living and Holy God chooses to dwell and walk among, in which He welcomes us as daughters and sons, promising to be a Father to us, Paul speaks another "therefore" - "Therefore, having these promises beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all defilement of flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of the Lord." Being 'beloved,' having God dwell in us and move among us, is sheer grace! And that sheer grace then awakens the quest for holiness. 'Consecration.'

An old hymn puts it so well. "Take my life and let it be, consecrated Lord to Thee." It is the cry of the heart gripped by the Holy One's grace. It is the cry of the heart wanting to participate in the Holy One's work in the world. It is the cry of the heart that confessed Jesus as Saviour and Lord. And He promises to answer the cry: 'You shall be holy, for I the Lord your God am holy.' A command, yes. But also, and more primarily, a promise! Consecrated Lord to You. Yes!"

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