Mission Fest Vancouver 2024

Event dates & times
Westside Church
777 Homer St
Vancouver, BC

This event has already ended.

Join us for a Missions conference centered on Jesus’ presence! Registration helps us prepare for who’s coming, but also gives you anticipation through your commitment to set your heart on what God has for you.

Registration for Mission Fest Vancouver 2024 is free, with the opportunity to include a donation. Click the button above to register! Free tickets will also be available at the door during Mission Fest Vancouver 2024, but please register in advance to avoid long lines.

We are very excited to bring Mission Fest Vancouver back to the heart of Vancouver, hosted by our friends at Westside Church. We can’t wait for you to join us as we are believing Jesus’ presence will be with us to save, heal, and transform your life everywhere He’s leading you.

Our theme this year is Together With Him.

In Mark’s Gospel we read,

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And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen. —Mark 16:20

The Great Commission is not about our going but about it being a co-mission, a co-partnership with Him. Learning to recognize and respond to a real person whose Kingdom comes where the King is—that’s what our calling is all about. Our core conviction for the conference is that Jesus is someone to encounter, to hear, to love, to listen to, and to recognize as the One who’s with us as we go.

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This year, we were led to invite keynote speakers who are our friends. They all have an affection for one another and carry the conviction that Jesus is a person who, when we give Him space to move, can do more than we could imagine, here and around the world. I wrote their bios below with the above in my heart. We say here at Mission Central, “Who you do life with is more important than what you do.”

James Bonney, Mission Central Lead

April Bates

Profile photo for April Bates

April Bates carries the compassion and radiance of the Holy Spirit. She is bubbly and is often the first to cry as she listens as you share the journey Jesus has you on. She is full of faith and has an inward stillness like Mary, who waited at Jesus’ feet. She loves and champions Jesus’ heart to elevate women who carry a calling and…

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James Bonney

Profile photo for James Bonney

James Bonney is the guy known for taking long walks with Jesus in the forest, and for saying ‘It’s got to be fun.’ He is one of the most passionate people I know who will do anything to spend as much time as he can with Jesus. It has led James into a life fully yielded to the Father’s voice. In the past two years, James’ friendship…

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Jon Thompson

Profile photo for Jon Thompson

Jon Thompson has opened more doors for Canadian leaders to see their ministry through a Kingdom lens than anyone I know. Jon carries the culture of Jesus, the Father’s wisdom and the Holy Spirit’s clarity. Jon has walked with Jesus in environments of criticism, unbelief, and spiritual darkness with such grace, Biblical precision,…

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Jonathan Mitchell

Profile photo for Jonathan Mitchell

Jonathan Mitchell is a man of steel in the eyes of the Father, a real superhero for so many young people and youth pastors. It sounds funny, but the ‘S’ on his chest is the Spirit. His heart to see people walk with a person in discipleship is contagious. When he walks in a room, you can feel the smile of the Holy Spirit, and you…

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Matt Menzel

Profile photo for Matt Menzel

Matt Menzel is a man after God’s own heart; a man whose hunger for Jesus burns like a fire that warms everyone and scares hell. He is the most consistent friend I have ever had. He doesn’t waste words or take His calling lightly. He is an example to every missionary and pastor of someone who walks in the fellowship of the suffering…

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Ryan Johnson

Profile photo for Ryan Johnson

Ryan Johnson has walked with Jesus to the cross like no pastor I have ever met. He’s taught me how to die to self and care about one thing: Jesus. Christ and Him crucified is the legacy of this man. Ryan preaches like Jonathan Edwards in our day; his words carry the sword of the Spirit and the truth of the Person of Nazareth.…

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Greg Musselman

Profile photo for Greg Musselman

Greg Musselman burns for the real Jesus, the Jesus who shows up in the faces of those who have given all in persecution and abandonment to the person of Jesus. Greg’s smile can light your heart on fire to pursue all that is possible with God. Complacency dies when you’re around him, which brings you to wanting one thing: to know where…

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Steve Schroeder

Profile photo for Steve Schroeder

Steve Schroeder is the most hopeful person He knows. He is also the most hope-filled person everyone knows. Steve has a deep affection that flows from the Father for leaders to find courage and strength for the dreams they carry and the decisions they make. He’s a mentor and father to hundreds and hundreds of pastors and leaders who…

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