The last couple of weeks have been wild with everything surrounding COVID-19. The world has embraced fear in the face of uncertainty and the unknown. However, as the Church, we’ve been called and equipped for such a time as this. Now, more than ever, we have an opportunity to bring the hope and life of Jesus to our neighbours.
John 1:5 says that in Jesus there is life, and that life is the light of men. The darkness of the world can’t overcome the light and life of Jesus. You may say, “Well that was Jesus, not me.” But, through the Holy Spirit we have access to the same power that raised Christ from the dead (Ephesians 1:18-23). Sometimes it feels like that power is hidden away. That’s when we must pray for God to “open the eyes of our heart”. God has placed everything under Jesus’ feet “for the church”, for the sake of the world. Remember, kindness is not cancelled, community is not cancelled, the supernatural power of God is not cancelled. How we live as followers of Jesus in the everyday is more critical than ever before.
At Mission Central, our vision and mission has always been to be a catalyst to help people become mature missional disciples of Jesus. We do this by connecting people, virtually, and face-to-face. With this growing pandemic, the way we live our everyday rhythms may have changed but our mission stays the same.

Mission is not cancelled, rather it is more needed than ever before. We want to hear and see how you’re living missionally right now – whether that is in your home, with your families or neighbours (with a 6ft distance).
Use our hashtag #MissionIsNotCancelled. Share what you’re up to on Facebook or Instagram. Let’s press in, get innovative, be creative and live out Jesus’s mission.
Remember to like Mission Central when you're online.