Hearing and Obeying as the Way of Life with Jesus
Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.
Hearing and obeying for a follower of Jesus is not something that is simply encouraged, but a way of life that Jesus calls us to. We cannot hear and not obey. Similarly, we cannot obey without hearing from God. The two are interconnected and foundational to the building and advancement of his Kingdom, that’s why Mission Central has chosen “Hearing and Obeying” as our theme for the year.
Stories of obedience and listening to the word of God appear all throughout scripture with each encounter pointing to God’s faithfulness when we commit to trusting what God says and obeying Him.
An example of faithful hearing and obedience can be seen through the life of Abraham. Abraham’s obedience was countercultural to what the world defines obedience to be. If Abraham was alive today, his obedience would raise eyebrows and be viewed as strangely different. Without any context, Abraham picked up all his belongings and with his family left his home and people and went into the unknown. He didn’t know where he would end up or why. Abraham just heard from God and followed. Even in the face of sacrificing his one and only son, a son promised to him after years of waiting, Abraham never questioned God’s intentions. Abraham had faith in God and he knew that all he had to do was hear and obey. It is this very obedience that would pave way for generations to come because Abraham was willing to trust God with the unfamiliar and follow Him. His simple acts of productive obedience was the seed of a nation and today, through Christ, has brought glory to God throughout the nations.
In the story of Samuel, another similar act of hearing and obeying is represented. Samuel spent his whole life in obedience to God, from not completely hearing the Lord at first to staying intimate with Him and listening, even in times that he didn’t understand. When Samuel went to anoint God’s choice for king, he expected that tall and good-looking Eliab would be the obvious choice. However, God told Samuel that He did not care for the outward appearance and rather looked at the heart. So, when God chose the youngest, the smallest, the least experienced, David, Samuel obediently anointed him. While Samuel didn’t understand, he led by faith and not sight. By expectantly listening for God’s voice and obeying, Samuel established David as king, a man after God’s heart.
Throughout both Abraham and Samuel’s lives and many others, God reveals to us that on the other side of our obedience are His promises for us. God is a promise-keeping, loving, faithful, gracious God.
As we pray into the Mission Central Conference for next year, we will be starting a monthly devotional focused on hearing and obeying and how that ties into God’s purpose for our lives and our mission as followers of Jesus. Please sign up for our News and Updates to get emails with the latest devotionals.