Count the Cost
“And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.”
In the early 2000’s my wife and I felt God telling us that we should go to Mozambique and visit a ministry there. At the time we were unsure whether God was calling us to full-time ministry or a short visit. One of the most difficult aspects of the decision to go was trusting God with the well-being of our children. Mozambique was a poor, dangerous country. There was a good chance that our kids might get sick on the trip, they might even die. We wrestled with this for over a year until we came to the place in our hearts and minds, that even if our children were to die, that it was more important to be obedient to God and go.
The phrase “take up your cross” appears in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, more than once. These days its easy to read the verse and only think that Jesus was speaking figuratively. But in the book of Luke, the second time that Jesus uses this phrase, he clarifies what he means by using two other descriptions (Luke 14:28-33). To summarize, Jesus is saying, “If you really want to be my disciple be sure to count the cost.” Have you counted the cost of being a disciple? Are you wiling to give up everything for Jesus? Everything must be laid at the feet of Jesus.
Have you counted the cost of being a disciple? Is there something that Jesus has asked you to do, but because of fear of the cost you have been unwilling to do? Go to Jesus, lay out your concerns before him, and ask for his perspective on your struggle.
Jesus, help me to take up my cross and follow you, wherever you lead.