January's Audio Recording Highlight

Majed el-Shafie shares his journey from being a Muslim to becoming a Christian, on persecution in Egypt and what it means to share the gospel

Majed el-Shafie tells the story of how he met Jesus, found new life in Him and the persecution that followed as he shared the gospel in Egypt, where most people were Muslim..

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About the author

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Majed el-Shafie

Majed El Shafie is a human rights advocate and founder of One Free World International (OFWI). His human rights journey started in his native Egypt that he was later forced to flee after he was severely tortured and sentenced to death for his conversion to Christianity and bringing awareness to human rights violations related to religious persecution.

El Shafie has developed excellent relationships with members of the Canadian House of Commons, Senate, and Cabinet, and has built bridges with the US Congress in order to educate decision-makers about violations of religious freedom around the world. He has had the opportunity to testify numerous times before parliamentary bodies including the Subcommittee for International Human Rights of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, United States Congressional subcommittees and commissions, and the Parliamentary Inquiry into Antisemitism in Canada. He has advocated on behalf of Christians, Falun Gong, Jews, Bahá’í’s, Ahmadiyya Muslims, and China’s Uyghur Muslims, among others. Leading North American and international news media have featured his work which has also been the subject of an award-winning feature-length documentary.

One Free World International

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