Love Your Enemies
“Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.”
I imagine sitting in a chair on a Sunday morning listening to a preacher read the words, “Love your enemies…” “Yes”, I say to myself, “I should love my enemies.” I leave the service, and that’s that. Knowledge, but no action. But, to hear and obey, there must be action.
Jesus shows us a better way. Jesus/God was and is complete in himself. And still, Jesus/God came to earth to make a way for all mankind to receive forgiveness for our sins and to be reconciled with Father/God. He comes to earth as a lowly man, knowing full well that he is going to be persecuted and killed unjustly. His love didn’t remain an idea but took shape as embodied action. Jesus came to us, “the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.” (John 1:14) His action wasn’t conditional on a favourable outcome either.
If you have an enemy in your life, if someone hates you, consider how Jesus is asking you to go to them? Hearing and obeying requires embodied action.
Lord Jesus, help me to love my enemies in real and tangible ways. Help me to trust you with the outcomes.