In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth
This year at Mission Central we are meditating on the theme of Unity. The bible begins with the words, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” As the first chapter progresses, our attention is then directed to God’s creation, and it’s easy to stay focused there. But let’s go back to consider God. God was, before created things. He is eternally existent. Father, Son, and Holy Spirit perfect in being, and character.
Creation wouldn’t exist apart from God. God loves his creation and takes joy in what he made. He input elements of his nature and character into his work like an artist painting themselves into a portrait. Things like order in complex and simple systems, and beauty show up in our good God’s creation. But God’s character is revealed more fully in humans – those who bear his image. He put in us the capacity for truth, justice, faithfulness, love, and unity. These are characteristics that only we share with God. Although marred by the fall these characteristics haven’t disappeared. In fact, where they flourish, they point us back to our creator as strongly as order and beauty do.
All creation, and particularly humankind, are tied together, simply and profoundly, because we are the creation of a good God. God himself is the basis of our unity.
Action: Take a moment to reflect on the perfection, beauty, and power of God. Maybe go for a walk outside and consider God’s creation, including your surroundings and the people you love. Then consider the character of a God who would create these good things.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, help me to understand more fully my place in your creation, my relationship to other people and to you. Thank you that you love me and have made me to be an important part in your creation.
Please share our devotional series with your family and friends. We’ll be releasing new ones regularly in our lead up to the SERVE and CREATE conferences on January 27 – 29th.